Assessing Humanistic Curiosity

This project offers pioneering empirical research on the impact of humanities education - and specifically, intensive language and culture learning - on college students' cultural fluency and global mindset. Using ASU's nationally-recognized Critical Languages Institute (CLI) as a research laboratory (with IRB approval and informed consent of research subjects), the research will deploy two instruments that assess students' capacities for understanding how culture shapes their own and others' decisions and behavior (the Beliefs, Events and Values Inventory assessment (BEVI); and students' capacities for understanding the components of effective cross-cultural leadership (The Global Mindset Inventory).
Jamie Edmonds | associate director and clinical assistant professor, The Melikian Center: Russian, Eurasian & East European Studies and the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Keith Brown | director and professor, The Melikian Center: Russian, Eurasian & East European Studies and the School of Politics and Global Studies