Transnational experience of Japanese American shin-nisei

“Transnational experience of Japanese American shin-nisei” investigates the experience of Gen Z “shin-nisei,” the children of Japanese immigrants who migrated to the US after World War II, attending university in their ethnic homeland, Japan. Using an ethnographic approach, the study investigates their transnational experience, identity negotiation, and sense of belonging in two cultures. By collecting the voices of a sub-group of Japanese Americans who have not been studied to date—shin-nisei who attend university in their ethnic homeland, Japan—the project expands the narrative of Japanese American history, which centers around the internment camp experience during World War II and the experience of pre-war migrants and their descendants.
Image: Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering Research Complex Lab, Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
Aya Matsuda | professor of applied linguistics, Department of English