Creaturely Constellations: Animals, Language and Critical Thought after Auschwitz

A black and white image of a marching path at Auschwitz.
Fellow Project Academic Year

Seventy-six years after the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Shoah remains a crucial caesura in modern thought. In its wake, questions of ethics and aesthetics converge, demanding continuous engagement: What are the limits of representation in the face of catastrophe? How is it possible to give voice to the experience of suffering without exploitation? And in how far can art do justice to historical realities?

In this book project, Lozinski-Veach revisits these questions from a new angle by exploring multi-species approaches to history, trauma and ethics. The study analyzes the aesthetic functions of animals in German and Polish literature and thought after 1945 to show how nonhuman animals disrupt and expand conventional notions of language and so open up alternative approaches to the persistent challenges of Shoah representation and the unspeakability of trauma.

Fellow Project Principal Investigator

Natalie Lozinski-Veach | Assistant Professor, School of International Letters and Cultures