“You can’t see it, but I’ve got a lot of shit going on”: Young Women, Invisible Disability, and the Paradox of Passing

Seed Grant Semester Awarded
Seed Grant Award Year
This feminist research project interrogates the category and experience of invisible disability as it intersects with cultural norms for young femininity through building and analyzing a rich, diverse archive of invisible disability narratives. Ultimately, the project’s goal is to expand disability studies to take seriously bodyminds that experience ableism yet have an uneasy and tenuous relationship with disability as it has been conventionally defined—that is, as physical, unchanging, and visible—and to reimagine disability as a capacious and dynamic continuum.
Principal Investigator(s)
Heather Switzer | Assistant Professor | School of Social Transformation
Anastasia Todd | Postdoctoral Research Associate | School of Social Transformation