Latin America Issues: Material Conditions, Violence, Human Rights, and Cultural Productions

Daniel Rothenberg, Professor of Practice and Executive Director, Center for Law and Global Affairs
Since the Center of Latin American Studies was disestablished in 2005, researchers focusing on Latin America have become, for the most part, isolated in their respective units. This research cluster provides a forum to disseminate groundbreaking research and cultural production, but more importantly, a venue to network across schools, colleges, and campuses, in an attempt to engage in more focused inter and transdisciplinary proposals which may become seed grants. Given President Michael Crow's initial goal for ASU to become a bridge toward Latin America, and the traditional neglect of the subcontinent, this series attempts to stimulate awareness of the area, as well as it challenges, which in a transnational world have a global impact. Bringing together legal experts, social scientists, researchers of cultural production, film directors, and photographers, this series provides a historical continuum based on specific events occurring in diverse latitudes at different points in time, which ultimately underscore the cross generational impact of material conditions on daily.