When I Say “Hip”, You Say “Hop”?: The Politics of Urban Arts, Culture and Knowledge within the Academy

Marcus White | Assistant Professor of Dance | Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Mako Ward | Lecturer of Women and Gender Studies | School of Social Transformation
Charles Norton | School of Anthropology | University of Arizona / Affiliate Appointment ASU
Mathew Sandoval | Honors Faculty Fellow | Barrett Honors College
The primary function of this research cluster is to unpack complex questions connected to hip-hop and urban cultural production in framing and reframing Phoenix and the US/American Southwest. The consortium of ASU faculty, scholars, artists, students, and community members connect monthly in the Sonoran Desert around a series of themes that deeply investigate some of the ethical implications of urban arts knowledges and culture as a research and educational framework in relationship to the humanities, performing arts, liberal arts and sciences.